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New Construction

While many people are happy to purchase a pre-built home, it’s not the right path to homeownership for everyone. If you want a home that’s perfectly suited to your lifestyle and reflects your personality, working with a trusted new construction contractor in South Florida is the only way to go. At Greenview Renovation, we can handle all aspects of your new build, from initial design and conceptualization all the way through construction and the final walkthrough. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and start the new construction process.

Why Work with Us to Design and Construct Your New Home?

Trust is a critical component in all construction and renovation projects. At Greenview Renovation, we pride ourselves on building relationships based on trust and transparency.

  • We’re licensed and insured.

  • We have decades of experience with new construction projects.

  • From AUDs to entire homes, we can handle the entire new construction process no matter what your project might be.

  • We keep you involved from the beginning to the end to ensure that everything aligns with your vision.

New Construction Services from Greenview Renovation

The design/build experts here at Greenview Renovation offer a wide range of new construction-related services. Our goal is to support you throughout the entire project, whether you need us for just a few aspects or want us to manage the entire thing.

We can provide design, site preparation, foundation pouring, framing/carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and much more. Are you ready to embark on the journey toward a new construction home that perfectly fits your family? We’d love to work with you! Get in touch with us today and schedule your free consultation to learn more about our process and how we can translate your ideas into reality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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