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What part of your home has the greatest impact on style and usability? Is it your lighting? The paint color on the wall? It’s your flooring. Always underfoot, your floors provide stability for every activity but also tie in with your overall design. At Greenview Renovation, we can handle any flooring-related project, whether you want to replace the flooring in one room or redo your entire home.

Why Choose Us for Your Flooring Project?

Why opt for Greenview Renovation when it comes to your South Florida home’s flooring?

  • We’re licensed and insured.

  • We have decades of experience.

  • We can handle any flooring project.

  • We can guide you in choosing the right flooring options for every space in your home.

Understanding Flooring Options

You have a very wide range of options when it comes to the flooring you choose. The right choice will offer comfort and style for years to come, but there’s no single flooring type that’s right for every home or budget. Our design experts can help you choose the right option for each room and application, whether you’re renovating your bathroom or finally finishing out that game room.

Some of the flooring options available to you include:

  • Hardwood: Natural hardwood floors are incredibly durable and add beauty and character to your space.

  • Natural stone: Many types of natural stone can be used, from travertine to marble.

  • Tile: Tile is affordable, durable, and very versatile.

  • Laminate: Laminate flooring can mimic the look of hardwood or other materials and offers outstanding affordability.

  • Vinyl: Vinyl is a great choice for spaces where moisture control is important.

  • Carpet: Modern carpet offers soft comfort and can be a great choice for bedrooms, family rooms, and more.

Contact us today to learn more about your flooring options as well as how we can handle the installation process.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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